December 10
Even Your Living Is Your Imagination

Imagination is literally what you think, what kind of image you have about yourself and about others and about things. First comes self-image, and that image projects itself onto other things and creates imaginations. All of your imaginations depend upon your image, and your image is actually based on your experience of yourself. So it originates from within. That’s why we say the entire world is your own projection. You project your image onto everything; everything is seen with your own vision.
In that sense we are continuously imagining. Even your living is your imagination. Because you are imagining that you are alive, you are alive. If you seriously begin to imagine that you are dying little by little, you will die. It has been proven. If you seriously imagine that you are losing all of your strength, in half an hour you will collapse. It will happen. Always remember to think beautiful, positive thoughts. As you think, so you become.