These daily readings contain Swami Satchidananda’s teachings on the spiritual life. How to serve others and realize peace, truth and union with the divine. Culled from years of lectures to spiritual seekers in the West and the East, they are expressed with the simplicity and authority of one who speaks from his own experience.

About the Author
Sri Swami Satchidananda, the founder of Integral Yoga®, is one of the most revered Yoga masters of our time. Regarded by many as an apostle of peace, Sri Gurudev serves as an example of the teachings of Yoga and its goal of Self-Realization. To learn about the life and service of Swami Satchidananda please visit
The Golden Present book is available through Shakticom – Integral Yoga Multimedia as well as many other books and also talks by Swami Satchidananda on DVD.
My heartfelt thanks are due to all of those who contributed in ways large and small to publishing this volume of daily readings.
My devoted student, Swami Hamsananda Ma, lovingly and patiently transcribed all of these entries, and prepared the manuscript. The eminent designer, Peter Petronio of Paris, France, generously contributed the design and cover art, based on the photograph taken by Tom Kelley, Sr. The photograph on the back cover was taken by Robert Altman.
Special thanks are also due to the dedicated staff of Integral Yoga® Publications and Swami Sharadananda Ma, Reverend Prem Anjali, Reverend Prakash Shakti Capen, Abhaya Thiele, Reverend Janaki Carrera, Bhaktan Bennetta, Prema Serre and Gretchen Uma Knight.
The beautiful original drawings that introduce each month were donated by the artist, Maithreya Stillwater. My appreciation and blessings to them all for their painstaking efforts.