November 30
Spiritual Practice Is Not What You Are Doing,
But What You Are Thinking
When you repeat your mantra, you should feel, “I’m not doing it for my sake. I am doing it to train my mind. If I train my mind, I can serve better.” So even your mantra repetition becomes an offering. “I’m doing everything as an offering to God, Guru and humanity.” Then you don’t make distinctions between, “Ah, this is sadhana, this is spiritual practice. That is not.”
Sometimes we say, “Oh, I don’t have time to do sadhana. I’m always working on the bulldozer.” So what is bulldozing then? Your working on the bulldozer is not spiritual? Do you think that only by going into a corner and closing your eyes and murmuring something you are doing spiritual practice?
Spiritual practice is not what you are doing, but what you are thinking. Remember that. If you could understand the meaning of sadhana you would know how to do it. You don’t have to change your activities and say, “This is sadhana but this is not.” Even your eating. Even when you sit on the toilet you are doing sadhana. Remember that.
Everything becomes a spiritual practice. We should transform all our activities into this kind of sadhana. That means: “I am doing everything as a meditation, as an offering, as a prayer to serve God through service to the humanity.” I wouldn’t even say to humanity; do it as a service to the nature. Why only humanity? Humanity means only human beings. Serve the dogs, serve the cats, serve the rats, serve the mosquitoes. Serve the plants. Be nice to them, be loving. Even if you have to pull out a weed, do it in a loving way.